08-17-2022 05:02 AM
I created a folder through the ModuleImporter:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<view:view xmlns:view="http://www.alfresco.org/view/repository/1.0">
<view:reference xmlns:rule="http://www.alfresco.org/model/rule/1.0"
<cm:folder view:childName="cm:Folder_x0020_Example">
<view:mlvalue view:locale="en">Folder Example</view:mlvalue>
<view:value view:isNull="true"/>
<view:mlvalue view:locale="en">Folder for examples</view:mlvalue>
<cm:name>Folder Example</cm:name>
But when I try to get the folder using this from the Java API:
this.searchService.selectNodes(rootNodeRef, "/app:company_home/st:sites/cm:example-site/cm:documentLibrary/cm:ParentFolder/cm:Folder_x0020_Example", new QueryParameterDefinition[0], this.namespaceService,
I get an empty list! Is there any property that I should specify in the xml that would make this folder discoverable?
Folders that have not been created through ModuleImporter are discoverable.
Best regards,
Francisco Duarte
08-18-2022 04:15 AM
I think I figured the issue. In this line:
<cm:folder view:childName="cm:Folder_x0020_Example">
I added the _x0020_ to represent the white space but it seems that I shouldn't have done that.
If I create a folder like this:
<cm:folder view:childName="cm:Folder Example2">
The folder is returned. Is there a way to change the childname?
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