10-14-2021 09:13 AM
I have created scheduled jobs with alfresco 5.2 using SDK and deployed in ACS 6.1. able to see the job in admin console and its trigger also updating properly. I have added loggers in the job but it's not printing in alfresco logs.
Kindly help me on it
10-14-2021 10:47 AM
You have to enable the logs for your custom package. For example if you have created the scheduled jobs under e.g "com.demo.job" java package. Then you need to add following in log4j.properties file:
log4j.logger.com.demo.jobs=info OR log4j.logger.com.demo.jobs=debug
You can also enable logs at root level of your java package if you want every class user "com.demo" package should write the logs, e.g.:
Also check these threads if it helps:
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