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Scheduled job Call Web Script

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making


I have some questions. I have a scheduled job on my schedule job I need to call an API Webscript that I have. Currently,  am stuck on call API Webscript. Can someone help me to explain the best way to call API Webscript. Below is the code that i stuck.

 * The Class CustomJobProcessor.<br/>
public class CustomJobProcessor implements org.quartz.StatefulJob{
 /** The Constant LOG. */
 private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(CustomJobProcessor.class);
 /** The global properties. */
 private Properties globalProperties;
 /** The service registry. */
 private ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry;

 public void execute(final JobExecutionContext jobCtx) throws JobExecutionException {
    System.out.println("CustomJobProcessor Started..");
      //Run as system user since this job is user independent hence
       // permission is required on repo
     // TODO:: Put job processing logic here..
     // Get the job space where all jobs are stored 
                  // using  serviceRegistry.getFileFolderService()
                  // Read the jobs in a list as given below:
                  // List<FileInfo> fileInfoList =    fileFolderService.listFiles(jobSpaceNode);
    // Read the uniuqe id from the job property and process
        AuthenticationService authenticationService = this.serviceRegistry.getAuthenticationService();

        String ticket = authenticationService.getCurrentTicket();

        HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

        //String uid = recorNoNodeRef.getId();
        //String apiurl = "" + "?alf_ticket=" + ticket;
        String apiurl = "";
        System.out.println("Get url :::" + apiurl);
        String resultString = "";
        GetMethod getComment = new GetMethod(apiurl);
        try {
                int status = client.executeMethod(getComment);
                if (status != 200) {
                        System.out.println("Method failed: " + getComment.getStatusLine());
                resultString = getComment.getResponseBodyAsString();
                 System.out.println("==== resultString ====");
                    System.out.println("==== resultString ====");
        } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("Line 1643::" + e.getMessage());
                //return "{\"error\":\"" + e.getMessage() + "\"}";
                System.out.println("error :::" + e.getMessage());
        } finally {
   } catch (RuntimeException excp){
      System.out.println("Exception occured while processing job" + excp);
   System.out.println("CustomJobProcessor End!");

 }// execute end

  * Sets the global properties.
  * @param globalProperties the global properties
 public void setGlobalProperties(final Properties globalProperties) {
  this.globalProperties = globalProperties;
  * Sets the service registry.
  * @param serviceRegistry the service registry
 public void setServiceRegistry(final ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) {
  this.serviceRegistry = serviceRegistry;

By error as below

Method failed: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
==== resultString ====
"status" :
"code" : 401,
"name" : "Unauthorized",
"description" : "The request requires HTTP authentication."

"message" : "00270000 Authentication failed for Web Script org\/alfresco\/repository\/managePermission\/managepermissionby.get",
"exception" : "",

"callstack" :


"server" : "Enterprise v5.2.3 (r852994b1-b12) schema 10,065",
"time" : "Jan 27, 2022 11:22:05 AM"

==== resultString ====


Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

Since you are in the Repository side, why to invoke a WebScript but to the code executed by that WebScript? Is there any other integration available by using Java API?

Hyland Developer Evangelist