03-25-2019 08:38 AM
Alfresco REST Search API throws an error when requesting "isLocked" field in include parameters. This was noticed in version 5.2 and, according to this ticket: [MNT-19952], it was fixed. However, this doesn't seem to be fixed in version 6 (6.0.7). Node properties are included normally when requested, but "isLocked" include parameter generates this error: "An invalid argument was received isLocked" with status code 400.
I can't use Queries from Core API because i need more advanced search and i really need lock information for every node. What could be the problem here and is there another way to get lock info for searched nodes?
03-25-2019 04:18 PM
Alfresco Enterprise 5.2.5 was released after Alfresco Community 6.0.7 GA was, so any fixes for that version will not be included in that version. You should instead look at Alfresco Community 6.1.2 GA to contain the fix for that.
03-25-2019 04:18 PM
Alfresco Enterprise 5.2.5 was released after Alfresco Community 6.0.7 GA was, so any fixes for that version will not be included in that version. You should instead look at Alfresco Community 6.1.2 GA to contain the fix for that.
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