07-19-2021 10:10 AM
i need to disable MyActivities dashlet from Dashboard of all users.
How i can do this? Thanks.
07-19-2021 10:35 AM
Try below given steps and see if that works. Not tested
Extend the "my-activities.get.js" component and disable the dashlet.
1- Create surf extension:
<extension> <modules> <module> <id>Dashlets extension</id> <version>1.0</version> <auto-deploy>true</auto-deploy> <customizations> <!-- Disable my activities for all users --> <customization> <targetPackageRoot>org.alfresco.components.dashlets</targetPackageRoot> <sourcePackageRoot>com.demo.components.dashlets</sourcePackageRoot> </customization> </customizations> </module> </modules> </extension>
2- Create a file named "my-activities.get.js" under <shareModule>\src\main\resources\alfresco\web-extension\site-webscripts\com\demo\components\dashlets
3- Add the following content in the file:
//Hide the dashlet for all users always model.showDashlet = false;
Seems like "showDashlet" flag is not provided in 'my-activities.get.html.ftl' so we have to override and enable it.
4- Create a file named "my-activities.get.html.ftl" under <shareModule>\src\main\resources\alfresco\web-extension\site-webscripts\com\demo\components\dashlets and add the following:
<@markup id="custom-myact-html" target="html" action="replace"> <@uniqueIdDiv> <#-- Added the flag to show/hide the dashlet --> <#if showDashlet> <#assign id = args.htmlid> <div class="dashlet activities"> <div class="title">${msg("header")}</div> <div class="toolbar flat-button"> <div class="hidden"> <span class="align-left yui-button yui-menu-button" id="${id}-user"> <span class="first-child"> <button type="button" tabindex="0"></button> </span> </span> <select id="${id}-user-menu"> <#list filterTypes as filter> <option value="${filter.type?html}">${msg("filter." + filter.label)}</option> </#list> </select> <span class="align-left yui-button yui-menu-button" id="${id}-activities"> <span class="first-child"> <button type="button" tabindex="0"></button> </span> </span> <select id="${id}-activities-menu"> <#list filterActivities as filter> <option value="${filter.type?html}">${msg("filter." + filter.label)}</option> </#list> </select> <span class="align-left yui-button yui-menu-button" id="${id}-range"> <span class="first-child"> <button type="button" tabindex="0"></button> </span> </span> <select id="${id}-range-menu"> <#list filterRanges as filter> <option value="${filter.type?html}">${msg("filter." + filter.label)}</option> </#list> </select> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> <div id="${id}-activityList" class="body scrollableList" <#if args.height??>style="height: ${args.height?html}px;"</#if>></div> </div> <#-- Empty results list template --> <div id="${id}-empty" style="display: none"> <div class="empty"><h3>${msg("empty.title")}</h3><span>${msg("empty.description")}</span></div> </div> </#if> </@> </@>
Documentation :
07-19-2021 10:35 AM
Try below given steps and see if that works. Not tested
Extend the "my-activities.get.js" component and disable the dashlet.
1- Create surf extension:
<extension> <modules> <module> <id>Dashlets extension</id> <version>1.0</version> <auto-deploy>true</auto-deploy> <customizations> <!-- Disable my activities for all users --> <customization> <targetPackageRoot>org.alfresco.components.dashlets</targetPackageRoot> <sourcePackageRoot>com.demo.components.dashlets</sourcePackageRoot> </customization> </customizations> </module> </modules> </extension>
2- Create a file named "my-activities.get.js" under <shareModule>\src\main\resources\alfresco\web-extension\site-webscripts\com\demo\components\dashlets
3- Add the following content in the file:
//Hide the dashlet for all users always model.showDashlet = false;
Seems like "showDashlet" flag is not provided in 'my-activities.get.html.ftl' so we have to override and enable it.
4- Create a file named "my-activities.get.html.ftl" under <shareModule>\src\main\resources\alfresco\web-extension\site-webscripts\com\demo\components\dashlets and add the following:
<@markup id="custom-myact-html" target="html" action="replace"> <@uniqueIdDiv> <#-- Added the flag to show/hide the dashlet --> <#if showDashlet> <#assign id = args.htmlid> <div class="dashlet activities"> <div class="title">${msg("header")}</div> <div class="toolbar flat-button"> <div class="hidden"> <span class="align-left yui-button yui-menu-button" id="${id}-user"> <span class="first-child"> <button type="button" tabindex="0"></button> </span> </span> <select id="${id}-user-menu"> <#list filterTypes as filter> <option value="${filter.type?html}">${msg("filter." + filter.label)}</option> </#list> </select> <span class="align-left yui-button yui-menu-button" id="${id}-activities"> <span class="first-child"> <button type="button" tabindex="0"></button> </span> </span> <select id="${id}-activities-menu"> <#list filterActivities as filter> <option value="${filter.type?html}">${msg("filter." + filter.label)}</option> </#list> </select> <span class="align-left yui-button yui-menu-button" id="${id}-range"> <span class="first-child"> <button type="button" tabindex="0"></button> </span> </span> <select id="${id}-range-menu"> <#list filterRanges as filter> <option value="${filter.type?html}">${msg("filter." + filter.label)}</option> </#list> </select> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> <div id="${id}-activityList" class="body scrollableList" <#if args.height??>style="height: ${args.height?html}px;"</#if>></div> </div> <#-- Empty results list template --> <div id="${id}-empty" style="display: none"> <div class="empty"><h3>${msg("empty.title")}</h3><span>${msg("empty.description")}</span></div> </div> </#if> </@> </@>
Documentation :
08-01-2021 09:31 PM
@aoneter12 wrote:
Well thats somewhat terrifying. I can see this going the way of Wave. Didnt realize tracked apps being opened and when
What is that actually you are looking for @aoneter12 , Can't understand your issue related to this post. Please provide proper info.
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