09-25-2017 05:45 AM
I have Alfresco One 5.1.1 and Activiti 1.5.0, but not working, I configured Alfresco in 9080 port and Activiti in 8080 port, my Activiti configuration is correct and Alfresco work fine!
My test process is very simple, only startEvent, Publish to Alfresco Task and endEvent, I read the sites but in next step is frozen...
Steps in configuration:
Here is fine, but... in choice FromActiviti...
... frozen...
Configuration of tenant:
And login for user/pass is correct (admin/admin).
10-19-2017 10:54 AM
More info with FireFox inspector:
any ideas?
10-10-2019 03:43 AM
do you get any errors in alfresco logs?
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