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POC Help

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise


I am trying to do a Proof Of Concept on integrating open source  Ativiti into our project (pre payment solution).Our application is going to be revamped using angular in the front end and complete rewrite of current  workflow /BPM which uses CORDY's commercial at the moment.

Do you think  Activiti opensource can replace a commercial software?

I have done a lots of Unit tests to understand and explore how Activiti works.Do you have any resources to help me with my POC (already done for any client)?I am at the planning stage of my POC...

Also ,I am using Intellij is there a process modelling plugin for this IDE?I have a view plugin currently called ACTIBPM but not able to edit BP's.

Thanks and Regards



Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

If you search for 'activiti case study' you'll find examples of previous projects, mostly by consultancies. Some of them will actually be talking about the enterprise edition, Alfresco Process Services. If you're looking to replace a BPM suite then your best path is probably to look at the v6 Activiti Kickstart App, which is the closest of the open source offerings to the enterprise (there is a comparison matrix at the bottom of Alfresco Process Services (BPM) powered by Activiti | Alfresco ). You might want to use its designer feature even if just to design and export process models. But it all depends upon your requirements as you might not need a full suite - you might be able to work with the spring boot starter and your own UI. You could have a look at the articles at Articles and Blogs on Activiti · Activiti/Activiti Wiki · GitHub  to get a sense of the options.

Thank You Ryan.This Helped me a lot.