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Persistent Working Copies in Excel Exports Despite Completed Workflows

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Hello everybody,

For the past two weeks, we've observed an issue with working copies (created during offline editing and/or workflows) appearing and persisting in Excel data list exports. Although the workflows are completed and no actual files appear in the GUI browser, these copies remain visible in the exports.

When attempting to directly access these files using the URL/hash from the data list export, the following error appears: "Error Code Information: 500 - An error inside the HTTP server which prevented it from fulfilling the request."

We cannot locate these working copy files using admin tools - they only appear in the data list exports.


  1. Is this a known behavior?
  2. Could this be related to working copies being stored in some cache?
  3. Is there a way to mitigate this issue?