10-12-2021 03:47 AM
I have an Alfresco 5.0 CE application (we use share-frontend) and upgraded to version pdf.js 1.10.100 (with the help of this merge ), because of PDF- rendering issues. 1.10.100 is the last 1.x version of pdf.js. Unfortunately my rendering issues are not resolved completely. So I tried to move to a 2.x (I tested it, there my issues are resolved) version of pdf.js, but I'm struggling with it. I get an Uncaught ReferenceError: PDFJS is not define. I have to adapt the PdfJs.js file.
@afaust Please can you help me? Can you give me some hints? I read, that you did an upgrade of pdf.js, so I think you have a PdfJs-Module, which should work with pdfjs 2.x? It would be very nice, if you could respond. Do you have a recommendation for me?
Best regards
10-13-2021 12:50 AM
I extracted a DIFF file from the patched PdfJs.js file for Share (as components/preview/PdfJs.js) and the original for Alfresco 7.0 - note that some changes are only due to my code QA setup with automatic JS linting. Unfortunately I cannot attach text-based files, so it'll have to be an inline code block:
38d37 < // File patched by Axel Faust (Acosix GmbH) to upgrade PDFJS to 2.6.347 43a43 > var K_CSS_UNITS = 96.0 / 72.0; 59,61d58 < // Note: PDFJS may be loaded out-of-order with this file < var PDFJS; < 71,85d67 < // lazy lookup < if (!PDFJS) { < // newer PDFJS (2.x) may be caught by Aikau's global AMD define (amd.js typically loaded before most other dependencies) < // Aikau's included PDFJS is actually older than Share's default (1.3.91 vs 1.10.100) and does not hook into AMD define < if (typeof pdfjsLib !== 'undefined') { < PDFJS = pdfjsLib; < } else if (typeof require === 'function') { < require(['pdfjs-dist/build/pdf'], function(pdfjs) { < PDFJS = pdfjs; < }); < } else { < console.error('Neither PDFJS nor AMD require available'); < } < } < 618c600 < this.onPdfLoaded.subscribe(function onPdfLoadEnableButtons() { --- > this.onPdfLoaded.subscribe(function onPdfLoadEnableButtons(p_type, p_args) { 692c674 < fn: function () { --- > fn: function (e) { 728c710,711 < var docHeight = Dom.getDocumentHeight(), --- > var sourceYuiEl = new YAHOO.util.Element(this.wp.getPreviewerElement()), > docHeight = Dom.getDocumentHeight(), 773c756,757 < var docHeight = Dom.getDocumentHeight(), --- > var sourceYuiEl = new YAHOO.util.Element(this.wp.getPreviewerElement()), > docHeight = Dom.getDocumentHeight(), 817c801 < var fileurl = this.attributes.src ? this.wp.getThumbnailUrl(this.attributes.src) : this.wp.getContentUrl(); --- > var me = this, fileurl = this.attributes.src ? this.wp.getThumbnailUrl(this.attributes.src) : this.wp.getContentUrl(); 850c834 < this.onPdfLoaded.subscribe(function onPdfLoadStopSpinner() { --- > this.onPdfLoaded.subscribe(function onPdfLoadStopSpinner(p_type, p_args) { 860,861c844 < PDFJS.GlobalWorkerOptions.workersrc=this.workerSrc; < --- > PDFJS.workersrc=this.workerSrc; 863,864c846,847 < params.cMapUrl = './cmaps/'; < params.cMapPacked = true; --- > PDFJS.cMapUrl = './cmaps/'; > PDFJS.cMapPacked = true; 867c850,851 < if (this.attributes.progressiveLoading == "true") --- > // We also test if it may already be set to true by compatibility.js tests, some browsers do not support it. > if (this.attributes.progressiveLoading == "true" && PDFJS.disableRange != true) 869c853 < params.disableRange = false; --- > PDFJS.disableRange = false; 871c855 < params.disableAutoFetch = false; --- > PDFJS.disableAutoFetch = false; 875c859 < params.disableRange = true; --- > PDFJS.disableRange = true; 880c864 < Alfresco.logger.debug("Using PDFJS params.disableRange=" + params.disableRange + " params.disableAutoFetch:" + params.disableAutoFetch); --- > Alfresco.logger.debug("Using PDFJS.disableRange=" + PDFJS.disableRange + " PDFJS.disableAutoFetch:" + PDFJS.disableAutoFetch); 884c868 < PDFJS.getDocument(params).promise.then --- > PDFJS.getDocument(params).then 928c912 < var id = Alfresco.util.generateDomId(), --- > var me = this, id = Alfresco.util.generateDomId(), 969c953 < }, function onPasswordEnter() { --- > }, function onPasswordEnter(e) { 1124c1108 < _updateZoomControls : function PdfJs__updateZoomControls() --- > _updateZoomControls : function PdfJs__updateZoomControls(n) 1297c1281 < onSidebarToggle : function PdfJs_onSidebarToggle() --- > onSidebarToggle : function PdfJs_onSidebarToggle(e_obj) 1325a1310,1314 > var goToPage = function goToPage(e, obj) { > YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(e); > this._scrollToPage(obj.pn); > }; > 1351c1340 < onPagePrevious : function PdfJs_onPagePrevious() --- > onPagePrevious : function PdfJs_onPagePrevious(e_obj) 1364c1353 < onPageNext : function PdfJs_onPageNext() --- > onPageNext : function PdfJs_onPageNext(e_obj) 1378c1367 < onFullScreen : function PdfJs_onFullScreen() --- > onFullScreen : function PdfJs_onFullScreen(e_obj) 1560c1549 < onFindChangeMatchCase : function PdfJs_onFindChangeMatchCase() --- > onFindChangeMatchCase : function PdfJs_onFindChangeMatchCase(e_obj) 1565c1554 < onFindChangeHighlight : function PdfJs_onFindChangeHighlight() --- > onFindChangeHighlight : function PdfJs_onFindChangeHighlight(e_obj) 1643c1632 < onZoomOut : function PdfJs_onZoomOut() --- > onZoomOut : function PdfJs_onZoomOut(p_obj) 1656c1645 < onZoomIn : function PdfJs_onZoomIn() --- > onZoomIn : function PdfJs_onZoomIn(p_obj) 1671c1660,1661 < var oMenuItem = p_aArgs[1]; // MenuItem instance that was the target of the event --- > var oEvent = p_aArgs[0], // DOM event > oMenuItem = p_aArgs[1]; // MenuItem instance that was the target of the event 1684c1674 < onDownloadClick : function PdfJs_onDownloadClick() --- > onDownloadClick : function PdfJs_onDownloadClick(p_obj) 1694c1684 < onDownloadPDFClick : function PdfJs_onDownloadPDFClick() --- > onDownloadPDFClick : function PdfJs_onDownloadPDFClick(p_obj) 1704c1694 < onMaximizeClick : function PdfJs_onMaximizeClick() --- > onMaximizeClick : function PdfJs_onMaximizeClick(p_obj) 1751c1741 < onLinkClick : function PdfJs_onLinkClick() --- > onLinkClick : function PdfJs_onLinkClick(p_obj) 1777a1768 > var slideurl = window.location.href.replace(window.location.hash, "") + "#page=" + this.pageNum; 1830c1821 < onRecalculatePreviewLayout : function PdfJs_onRecalculatePreviewLayout() --- > onRecalculatePreviewLayout : function PdfJs_onRecalculatePreviewLayout(p_obj) 1858c1849 < onWindowHashChange : function PdfJs_onWindowHashChange() --- > onWindowHashChange : function PdfJs_onWindowHashChange(p_obj) 1969c1960 < getVPos : function DocumentPage_getVPos() --- > getVPos : function DocumentPage_getVPos(page) 1996c1987 < var viewport = this.content.getViewport({scale: this.parent.currentScale}); --- > var viewport = this.content.getViewport(this.parent.currentScale); 2007a1999 > view = content.view, 2058c2050 < _setPageSize : function DocumentPage__setPageSize() --- > _setPageSize : function DocumentPage__setPageSize(page) 2060c2052 < var viewPort = this.content.getViewport({scale: this.parent.currentScale}); --- > var viewPort = this.content.getViewport(this.parent.currentScale); 2436,2438c2428,2430 < contentWidth = parseInt(currentPage.content.view[2]), < contentHeight = parseInt(currentPage.content.view[3]), < rotation = currentPage.content.rotate, --- > contentWidth = parseInt(currentPage.content.pageInfo.view[2]), > contentHeight = parseInt(currentPage.content.pageInfo.view[3]), > rotation = currentPage.content.pageInfo.rotate, 2594c2586 < onScroll : function DocumentView_onScroll() --- > onScroll : function DocumentView_onScroll(e_obj)
10-15-2021 08:33 AM
10-18-2021 02:21 AM
Hey, @afaust and @amanda_roberts ,
thanks again, I just noticed that I had to change the following line (keyword: camelcase) so that an update of the library would work.
10-18-2021 04:14 AM
If there's supposed to be a change in case, I must admit, I cannot see it. Both lines are identical.
10-18-2021 06:14 AM
Sorry , my mistake, here once again:
That should be an alfresco hub problem. I can't capitalize the S in the term: PDFJS.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc. In the preview it looks ok, but if I save it, it goes away. Maybe the same issue in your DIFF.
best regards
04-27-2022 05:26 AM
Hello Axel,
Thanks for your patch, it works for me! However in my case I ended up hardcoding some paths in the PdfJs script, for instance
// lazy lookup .../... } else if (typeof require === 'function') { require(['/share/res/components/preview/pdfjs/pdf.js'], function (pdfjs) { console.log('Loading /share/res/components/preview/ module'); PDFJS = pdfjs; console.log('Loaded ' + pdfjs.toString()); }); } else { console.error('Neither PDFJS nor AMD require available'); } }
I had also changed the define path in the webpackUniversalModuleDefinition
(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') module.exports = factory(); else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define("/share/res/components/preview/pdfjs/pdf.js", [], factory); .../...
This makes me think that I must be missing something, I do not believe that I should be doing all these hacks
Any thoughts on this?
Thanks in advance,
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