05-17-2017 09:44 AM
In Alfresco 5.2, the user can change passwords. So far it is ok. But is there any way to force a password complexity? How min. 2 lowercase letters, 2 uppercase letters, 2 digits and a special character. I know there is a way in global-config.xml to force a min password length but no other stuff in that way. (i think )
And finally:
I'd like to give the user a hint in case of the password policy does not met.
05-25-2017 05:17 AM
Unfortunatelly, I think it requires developments of extra functionalities.
Anyway, I'm not sure if there are addons/plugins that could achieve this option.
As you have said is possible to stablish the minimum length of user's passwords on "<web-extension>/share-config-custom.xml" file:
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Users">
<!-- minimum length for username and password -->
I'll try any test using RegEx (regular expressions).
Another topic that deals with a related theme:
10-29-2020 04:14 AM
Diría que la única manera es añadir más validaciones para el campo en
Puedes sobreescribir o extender el fichero para añadir tus validaciones.
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