07-11-2023 12:30 PM
I am trying to get a fixed amount of results when doing a search with the adf-search-filter-chips component.
The issue I am facing is that in the request sent I see when changing the value of a filter that the paging value is "null". In the app.config.json, I have set the paging field my search configuration with maxResults:"10" but the value seems to be ignored but not the "query" nor "include" fields.
I went to see in the code of the component to see if there was any issue which led me to the SearchQueryBuilderService and the BaseQueryBuilderService. From what I saw, the loadConfiguration method from SearchQueryBuilderService correctly get the value from the app.config.json but the paging value of the service is set to "null" at the initialisation and is never updated.
Here is the html that I use to get some results via the search filter chips component
<adf-search-filter-chips [showContextFacets]=true> </adf-search-filter-chips> <adf-search (resultLoaded)="showSearchResult($event)"> </adf-search>
I saw that the "resultLoaded" event from the search component was triggered when updating the selected value in the filters but I get the first 100 results.
Am I using the components the wrong way or is there a bug somewhere ?
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