02-22-2017 05:23 AM
open "view details" page in new tab at alfresco workflow accept/reject page but ** also to retain focus on the current page (approval/rejection) page**
with target="_blank" focus on current page is getting lost
**overriding object-finder.js here**
function ObjectFinder_fnRenderCellListItemName(elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData)
if (scope.options.showLinkToTarget && scope.options.targetLinkTemplate !== null)
if(item.site=="######xxxxxxxxxxany site****"){
title = '<a href="' + link + '"target="_blank">' + $html(item.displayName?item.displayName:item.name) + '</a>';
ObjectFinder_fnRenderCellListItemActions(elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData)
if (scope.options.disabled === false)
{var links = "", link, listAction;
for (var i = 0, il = scope.options.listItemActions.length; i < il; i++)
listAction = scope.options.listItemActions[i];
if (listAction.event)
if(item.site=="xx Any RAndom Site xxxxx"){
links += '<div class="list-action"><a href="#" class="' + listAction.name + ' ' + ' list-action-event-' + scope.eventGroup + ' ' + listAction.event+ '" title="' + scope.msg(listAction.label) + '" tabindex="0" target="_blank">' + scope.msg(listAction.label) + '</a></div>';
03-14-2017 05:15 PM
I am not sure if I understood your question.
Do you want to open the link in a new browser tab and keep the focus on the current one?
If that is the case, I think you should be looking at the browser options, as the browser is the one deciding if the new tab will get the focus or not.
I don't think you can control that behavior by code.
Please, correct me if I didn't understand your problem.
03-20-2017 07:53 AM
thanks Douglas, you got it right,since it is controlled through the browser,could not find the way out of it.(so far)
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