06-11-2018 10:07 AM
After installing alfresco alfresco-community-installer-201707-linux on my machine, I created a public site. users are also created by specifying their Gmail account.
I need to notify these users with their Gmail account when I add them to the created site.
as it is indicated in alfresco documentation on the website, I modified the alfresco-global.properties file by adding :
# Outbound Email Configuration
I restarted alfresco service.
When adding users to the site, users didn't received any notification in their Gmail box.
Please any help.
Thanks in advance
06-11-2018 12:03 PM
The mail host does not appear to be complete, and no authentication has been configured. I doubt that gmail allows for an anonymous connect + send of emails from an unknown, external source like an Alfresco Repository.
In order to notify users on their gmail account, you do not need to connect to gmail from the Alfresco Repository yourself. Simply have the users use their gmail email address in their user profile (or synchronize that info from a directory), and use an email server under your control for Alfresco to send emails. If you do not have an email server under your control, and want to reuse your personal account on any mail service, you absolutely have to authenticate as your personal account for them to accept any mails sent by Alfresco - and even then may any of those services have restrictions in place in what is allowed or not and what needs to be contained in the mail.
06-12-2018 01:05 AM
As per suggestion of #Axel Faust ,If you use your personal gmail account for outbound mail configuration then your gmail account must be less secure.
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