05-14-2021 10:35 PM
I'm using ACS 6.2 & ACA 2.2.0 projects.
I have configured both the projects by adding the acs server url into the ACA_Project/src/proxy.config.js file, as follow:
Started the aca project by running the cmd
npm start
No error in logs but in the UI when i login then it is throwing 404 for the following API call:
POST http://localhost:4200/alfresco/api/-default-/public/authentication/versions/1/tickets 404 (Not Found)
I have executed the api in postman using my acs url & that worked:
But the same url using aca server url, didn't worked form postman too:
Can someone please help me to understand what's gone wrong & some guidance to fix this issue.
Thank you in advance.
05-19-2021 11:50 PM
I found that in my database postgresql from docker isn't able to create the table "alf_server" which is sharing columns as fk with "alf_transcation" table.
Anyone knows who can i fix this default table creation? or why even it isn't able to create the "alf_server" table?
Thanks in advance
07-17-2023 01:43 AM
I faced the same issue by following the official documentation (https://docs.alfresco.com/digital-workspace/3.1/develop/deploy/#deploy-content-app )
The solution is by adding the following property to the .env file as described in the README.md of the source code.
Where `<URL>` is the address of the ACS (BASE_URL="http://localhost:8080" for example).
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