02-21-2017 07:03 AM
I am looking for the Records Management AMP files. I was directed to go to the Support Portal http://support.alfresco.com/ but my login does not work and I am not getting a response when I say that I forgot my password. Is this the same login for the community site? Is there another place to find these files? I got the commercial ones no problem, but this seems to be more difficult.
I am following these instructions. http://docs.alfresco.com/rm2.3/tasks/rm-install-proc.html
04-21-2017 11:35 AM
This is resolved. I was just trying to get a version that was compatible. I had to downgrade Alfresco Community to 5.1g: This was the recommended solution as of 3/8/17 and it worked.
Steve Versteeg
04-21-2017 09:06 AM
For RM Community 2.5.a, see https://community.alfresco.com/community/ecm/blog/2016/09/26/records-management-community-updates
For RM Community 2.3.c, see https://community.alfresco.com/docs/DOC-6255-community-file-list-50c#w_recordsmanagement
Please note, I haven't had a chance to double-check that these are the latest point releases of each ...
04-21-2017 11:35 AM
This is resolved. I was just trying to get a version that was compatible. I had to downgrade Alfresco Community to 5.1g: This was the recommended solution as of 3/8/17 and it worked.
Steve Versteeg
06-12-2017 06:47 AM
Note that the latest version of Alfresco Community (201704) now has a version of RM that works with it: 2.5.b
You can always find the corresponding version of RM on the download page of Alfresco Community, for instance
The previous versions didn't have a matching version of RM, which was indeed confusing.
Hope this helps!
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