11-26-2020 11:32 PM
I have business scenario where i need some user in form to select multiple users to get in parallel their feedback
So I need sample that contains the following
1- Form with control that allow user to search in system users and select few of them
2- Multi Instance Parallel User task for the selected users and
3- Some way to store in variable their concatenated feedback
11-27-2020 05:25 AM
I would be difficult to put up code for your req. here are some links to help you:
Hope that helps.
12-05-2020 11:34 PM
Thanks for your reply
But i need more clarification regarding the mult instance task issue
I have created user task and configured it as the following
Multi instance type to parallel
And set the collection varaible , element varaible and assignment to the same element variable
Should the collection contains the users ids or names and how it will be formatted? comma seperated ?
and how can i get id for some user mail??
12-07-2020 05:48 AM
no, collection variable must hold a collection (e.g. ArrayList<String>) with the useIDs. the user ids from email can be obtained using UserService. the element variable (does not need to be declared or initialized) has to be a string variable that you can use in assigment using MVEL expression. e.g. if element variable is set as userId, then you can use it in assignment as ${userId}
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