03-15-2023 01:42 PM
I'm tryting to connect Alfresco Community 5.2.e to existing MySQL instance (the instance already has tables and data). However, Alfresco fails to start with following error:
org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException: 02150000 More than one Alfresco schema was found when querying the database metadata. Limit the database user's permissions or set the 'hibernate.default_schema' property in 'custom-hibernate-dialect.properties'.
The mysql instance really contains multiple DBs, each of them used by other applications. However, name of the database Alfresco is supposed to connect to is given in alfresco-global.properties.
What I've tried so far:
Attempts 1. to 3. resulted in same error. Attempt 4. worked fine, but I need to connect to existing DB with data.
My questions are:
Any help is appreciated, thank you very much.
03-21-2023 03:59 AM
Hi ,
Below are my observations that you may check :
a.) Alfresco 5.2.e version trying to connect with compatible MYSQL database , more important correct version of mysql connector needs to be placed at alfresco/tomcat/lib location . Refer below link :
b.) If your schema is at lower version and you are upgrading the schema to 5.2.e then you have to remove that read-only property and set the repository to write mode .
Hope this resolves your problem , if not post your findings .
03-17-2023 01:21 AM
I faced the same issue while upgrading Alfresco 5.0 instance with MS SQL server . Well , I was able to resolve this issue by turning on the snapshot isolation mode by below command .
Please check your MYSQL DB config as per the below Url :
( Ensure user must have specified permissions and might be there is some Tables name uppercase issue as per the below Link :
Meanwhile please help in sharing the mysql DB config in global.properties file and your schema Details please .
03-20-2023 11:48 AM
thanks for your reply. Here is the db config from alfresco-global.properties, sensitive data are omitted:
db.driver=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver db.username=<db_username> db.password=<db_password> db.name=<db_name> db.url=jdbc:mysql://<db_server_host>/<db_name>?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&useFastDateParsing=false db.pool.max=275 db.pool.validate.query=SELECT 1 db.schema.update=true hibernate.default_schema=<db_name>
Not sure if it helps, but Alfresco currently runs in read-only mode (server.allowWrite=false)
As for the schema details, the database is MySQL 5.6.20, it contains multiple schemas. User configured in alfresco-global.properties has access to two of them, one of them is <db_name> and it's the one I'm trying to connect to. The <db_name> already contains tables following tables filled with data:
+-----------------------------+ | Tables_in_<db_name> | +-----------------------------+ | act_evt_log | | act_ge_bytearray | | act_ge_property | | act_hi_actinst | | act_hi_attachment | | act_hi_comment | | act_hi_detail | | act_hi_identitylink | | act_hi_procinst | | act_hi_taskinst | | act_hi_varinst | | act_id_group | | act_id_info | | act_id_membership | | act_id_user | | act_procdef_info | | act_re_deployment | | act_re_model | | act_re_procdef | | act_ru_event_subscr | | act_ru_execution | | act_ru_identitylink | | act_ru_job | | act_ru_task | | act_ru_variable | | alf_access_control_entry | | alf_access_control_list | | alf_ace_context | | alf_acl_change_set | | alf_acl_member | | alf_activity_feed | | alf_activity_feed_control | | alf_activity_post | | alf_applied_patch | | alf_audit_app | | alf_audit_entry | | alf_audit_model | | alf_auth_status | | alf_authority | | alf_authority_alias | | alf_child_assoc | | alf_content_data | | alf_content_url | | alf_content_url_encryption | | alf_encoding | | alf_locale | | alf_lock | | alf_lock_resource | | alf_mimetype | | alf_namespace | | alf_node | | alf_node_aspects | | alf_node_assoc | | alf_node_properties | | alf_permission | | alf_prop_class | | alf_prop_date_value | | alf_prop_double_value | | alf_prop_link | | alf_prop_root | | alf_prop_serializable_value | | alf_prop_string_value | | alf_prop_unique_ctx | | alf_prop_value | | alf_qname | | alf_server | | alf_store | | alf_subscriptions | | alf_tenant | | alf_transaction | | alf_usage_delta | +-----------------------------+
All of the tables have lower-case names. When I tried to run Alfresco against empty DB, it created tables with upper-case names. Not sure if that's is related to my issue or not.
Database user <db_username> has all privileges for <db_name>:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `<db_name>`.* TO '<db_username>'@'%'
Hope this helps.
03-21-2023 03:59 AM
Hi ,
Below are my observations that you may check :
a.) Alfresco 5.2.e version trying to connect with compatible MYSQL database , more important correct version of mysql connector needs to be placed at alfresco/tomcat/lib location . Refer below link :
b.) If your schema is at lower version and you are upgrading the schema to 5.2.e then you have to remove that read-only property and set the repository to write mode .
Hope this resolves your problem , if not post your findings .
03-22-2023 07:22 AM
The problem was fixed by downgrading the mysql connector from " mysql-connector-j-8.0.32" to "mysql-connector-java-5.1.39". Thank you so much for your assistance!
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