02-14-2019 10:39 PM
I am running Alfresco Community-5.2.0. I use mmt to install my extension. It reports correctly, but it does not install the jar file. I installed the same extension in another Alfresco installation of the same configuration and that works well.
Here is the commands I used:
[/opt/alfresco-community]$ sudo java -version
java version "1.8.0_201"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_201-b09)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.201-b09, mixed mode)[/opt/alfresco-community]$ sudo java -jar ./bin/alfresco-mmt.jar install ~/alf-exts/montage-qcdoc-share-jar-2.3.amp ./tomcat/webapps/share.war -verboseInstalling AMP '*****/alf-exts/montage-qcdoc-share-jar-2.3.amp' into WAR './tomcat/webapps/share.war'
Backing up file...
The back up is at '/opt/alfresco-community/./tomcat/webapps/share.war-1550201260616.bak'
INFO: Checking the war version using the manifest.
Adding files relating to version '2.3' of module 'montage-qcdoc-share-jar'
- File '/WEB-INF/lib/montage-qcdoc-share-jar-2.3.jar' added to war from amp[/opt/alfresco-community]$ sudo java -jar ./bin/alfresco-mmt.jar list ./tomcat/webapps/share.war
Module 'montage-qcdoc-share-jar' installed in './tomcat/webapps/share.war'
- Title: *****************
- Version: 2.3
- Install Date: Fri Feb 15 11:27:40 CST 2019
- Description: **********************
...[/opt/alfresco-community]$ cd /opt/alfresco-community/tomcat/webapps/share[/opt/alfresco-community/tomcat/webapps/share]$ ls WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/module/There is no folder montage-qcdoc-share and the two files under that folder are missing.[/opt/alfresco-community/tomcat/webapps/share]$ ls WEB-INF/lib/montage-*The jar file montage-qcdoc-share-jar-2.3.jar is expected but missing.
What is wrong?
02-27-2019 09:48 PM
Your original approach was almost correct. It was just missing a
rm -rf /opt/alfresco-community/tomcat/webapps/share
before restarting Tomcat.
02-24-2019 07:05 AM
MMT only installs AMPs into a WAR. You are looking in the exploded web app path for the JAR, which will not contain it unless you first clear the exploded wep app directory and restart Tomcat.
02-27-2019 12:23 AM
I found that the MMT tool works only when the alfresco is running.
02-27-2019 06:14 PM
That may be "working" by sheer luck of using the default (in my eyes not recommended) configuration of Tomcat of "redeploy=true" - that is very dangerous. Doing this at runtime will dynamically trigger undeploy/redeploy cycles in Tomcat, which may fail due to Alfresco not really cleaning up after itself during an undeploy, which can lead to residual stuff being kept in memory.
02-27-2019 08:52 PM
What is the correct steps then?
The manual does not say that alfresco shall be stopped. MMT does not manage the lib and module directories when Alfresco is not running.
02-27-2019 09:48 PM
Your original approach was almost correct. It was just missing a
rm -rf /opt/alfresco-community/tomcat/webapps/share
before restarting Tomcat.
02-27-2019 10:14 PM
It works. Thank you!
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