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Licence Need for Alfresco-NG2-Components

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise


I am fairly new to Alfresco and I am attempting to use alfresco ng2 components within our Angular 11 application. Some of the core components will include uploaded, browser etc and upload service.

Now, I have followed the instructions ( to create standard angular application and it was able to browse to ACS and APS (trial enterprise version).

In order to integrate (MASHUP), is the Alfresco Development Framework (alfresco-ng2-components) open source and available without any additional licensing needs?

Has anyone got experience about complexity level required to integrate it?




World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

Hi @manurajsingh 

ADF & Alfresco-NG2-Components is open source - no additional licences required. What there are in APS, for example, is APIs that are enterprise only, so you can hook up your ADF application to retrieve/display data/processes, etc, that is not available in the open source Activiti. So any licence requirement is with APS and not ADF. A similar situation applies with ACS. 


Digital Community Manager, Alfresco Software.
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Hello @EddieMay 

Thanks for a quick response.

So trying to get this clear in my head.

ADF / NG2 Components are open source. Correct?

But the above components access APIs in APS (which is enterprise) and Activiti (community version of APS does not have APIs) Correct?

Also, the above components can be used for APIs on ACS (which is enterprise) and Alfresco Community Repository (community version of ACS does not APIs) or am I wrong here. Correct?

I am using Alfresco Community Repository 6.2 as Document Storage and I have been able to  upload files (CURL calls) to Shared Folder using API and also added new folders. (Am I correct is assumin this is standard?). I do not current have APS / Activiti requirement within context of Document Storage.

I appreciate your insights into the above.


World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

Hi @manurajsingh 

1) ADF / NG2 Components are open source. Correct? Yes

2) But the above components access APIs in APS (which is enterprise) and Activiti (community version of APS does not have APIs) Correct? Yes and no! ADF calls the APIs that APS & Activiti both have, but APS has additional APIs & a different permissions model.

3) Also, the above components can be used for APIs on ACS (which is enterprise) and Alfresco Community Repository (community version of ACS does not APIs) or am I wrong here. Correct? Yes and no! Both ACS & Community Edition have APIs - see the API Explorer. Also, both ACS & Community ship with ADF based UIs - Alfresco Digital Workspace (ADW) for ACS, Alfresco Content Application (ACA) for Community.

4) I am using Alfresco Community Repository 6.2 as Document Storage and I have been able to  upload files (CURL calls) to Shared Folder using API and also added new folders. (Am I correct is assumin this is standard?). - Yes, this is standard. There is also CMIS which enables other applications to interact with Alfresco repository.

So, to return to your original question. Yes, you should be able to integrate Alfresco into your Angular UI using either APIs or CMIS calls. There is no licence fee to pay for using ADF components.


Digital Community Manager, Alfresco Software.
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