05-16-2021 07:03 PM
my setup consists of Alfresco Community 5.2
I have a folder, with a deep hierarchy which I would like to exclude completely from solr indexing.
Reading the documentation I found out that I should use Index Control (cm:indexControl) aspect.
I tried to apply it to the root folder, hoping that new content added (as child) to that folder wouldn't have been indexed, but it was.
In order to avoid indexing of a document, I must apply this aspect to it directly, thus Index Control (cm:indexControl) doesn't seem to work on children.
If this is correct, is there another solution to exclude a portion of my SpacesStore from SOLR (both content and meta)?
05-17-2021 03:32 AM
IndexControl aspect is not hierarchical. You need to apply that aspect to every node you want to exclude from the SOLR Index.
05-17-2021 06:57 AM
thanks for your help. So, applying IndexContorl to every node is the only solution in order to exclude some portions of my workspace from indexing?
If I decide to completely abandon solr (I need it just for some marginal cmis queries we could rewrite in order to work with database), can we just switch it off?
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