03-17-2019 03:13 PM
if i need add access to node whenuser has permission1 and permission2, how i can do it?
03-18-2019 10:51 AM
How do you define permission1 and permission 2? Are they out-of-the-box roles or permissions or cutomized ones?
Here you could find information for creating customized roles and permissions in Alfresco:
Permissions / Roles | Alfresco Documentation
03-19-2019 04:19 AM
How do you define permission1 and permission 2? Are they out-of-the-box roles or permissions or cutomized ones?
yes they are cutomized, for example i have PermissionA and PermissionB, they are have no any permissions. Also i have PermissionAB which have Collaborator permissions. How i can to give PermissionAB to authority automatically if he hasPermissionA and PermissionB both.
Thank you.
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