04-21-2017 05:53 AM
Made a process to upload a file.
Also added a execution listener to the process.
I want to know how to retrieve the uploaded file by execution listener
Below is my code for execution listener
I want to know how to get that file from database.
I want to know about java libraries to access file from database
Thank you in advance
04-24-2017 05:49 AM
If you have an attachment ID (from when you uploaded the attachment), then you can use the taskService
If this returns not null, then you can get the attachment content using:
InputStream attachmentStream = taskService.getAttachmentContent(attachmentId);
Hope this is what you were looking for,
04-24-2017 11:13 PM
Thank you
I may need more help regarding this as I am new to this.
Can you please please provide the full implementation of this.
I am doing something like this
Also how do you get the attachment id provide you know the form id
TaskService taskService = processEngine.getTaskService();
InputStream attachmentStream = taskService.getAttachmentContent(attachmentId);
Here uploadurl is the form id for file upload
I think I am not doing it right
Please help
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