09-25-2017 10:34 AM
I am user alfresco-community 201605 on linux(Cent OS7).
I have a question about Alfresco's cifs function to refresh folder information.
For exsample, If I open a specific file from the cifs folder and overwrite it, the folder information will not be changed.
(However, if I press F5 key in Windows Explorer, folder information will be updated.)
Does anyone know how to automatically update Alifresco's cifs folder information?
Please let me know your wisdom.
09-25-2017 12:03 PM
Wait a some seconds or change your windows configuration for folder and files refresh.
09-25-2017 07:18 PM
Thank you for your reply.
It was helpful, But I would like to resolve it without changing the setting on the client side.
Is there no solution on the server side?
09-26-2017 11:38 AM
I think not, but for the client side the solution could be as follows:
09-28-2017 12:08 PM
Hi Gonzalez
Thank you for your advice.
I tried edit to registry on my client pc.
I tried edit the registry according to your advice and restarted.
but the file update date was not change.
Besides that, I also tried the following.
but the file update date was not change too.
09-29-2017 03:06 AM
In my opinion is a Windows/explorer problem:
Other actions:
1. Registry Changes: In regedit go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{BDEADE7F-C265-11D0-BCED-00A0C90AB50F}\Instance and change DontRefresh value to 0.
2. Sort by Name: In properties explorer use Sort by name.
10-02-2017 02:16 AM
Hi Gonzalez
Thank you for your repeated advice.
I tried edit to registry on my client pc(windows 7 sp1 32bits) and according to your repeated advice and restarted windows.
After windows started, it called data of cisf folder,
overwrite update, → no change
folder sorted by name → no change.
Open another folder and return to the original folder → The update date and time was change.
I found that the update date and time will change when updating to the latest information or referring to another folder and returning to the original.
But I want to make the update date and time change when updating on the application side.
Thanks Regards.
10-05-2017 09:05 AM
Surely that seems like a problem in windows network refresh.
10-05-2017 09:29 AM
I will check about window network setting pointed out by you.
10-19-2017 10:05 AM
I tried various countermeasures, but I can not solve it.
does anyone have a solution to this problem?
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