10-26-2023 08:36 AM
Hey guys, i need a help on a issue at alfresco.
On my project, i need to filter all tasks to a logged in user.
The idea is to show only the tasks that the logged user group is matched.
Ok, at the beginning, i started making a filter at my front end, using the autenticate of admin (that returns all the active tasks) and filtering the tasks that matches with the user group.
It works but i dont know in future, if my application had too much tasks. So i need to make a query to return only the tasks that needs to be avalable to the logged user.
By native, at the swagger, we know that the autenticate token filter the tasks, beucase of this rule:
He tolds about user is assignee or a candidate.
if i change the assignee and put my logged user, it works, ok.
but candidate of a task, in my context, is the group that returns because of xml file that rules it.
So, how can i filter with user autenticate token the groups that is a candidate, not the person directly.
in resume: I need to filter my tasks with the rule that only return the tasks that the user's group is a candidate, but not on front. Query? Using Autenticate token? idk
10-30-2023 10:22 AM
Now i have new issues.
I rearranged my candidate group id and works on alfresco/share.
But the task doesnt return if i use "get tasks" from Alfresco doc swagger.
So, how can i make a request to have the same return tasks as the Alfresco's share dashboard???
The tasks simple doesnt returns with user's autenticated token and he is in the group that is a candidate.
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