01-18-2020 04:14 AM
Hi friends
I need to eddit ms office document in alfresco by using "Edit with MS Office" option
but in my case document cannot open in office excel or etc
how can open and edit document by using this option
Help me
01-20-2020 08:36 AM
Hi @Mahesha,
Welcome to the forum.
It would help if you could give a little more information about what is happening - are there errors reported, anything in the log files, SSL issues, etc?
Without knowing more it is difficult to be more precise in our responses.
Kind regards,
01-29-2020 02:36 AM
02-10-2020 12:25 PM
Hi @Mahesha,
Have you installed Alfresco Office Services => https://docs.alfresco.com/5.2/concepts/aos-intro.html
You can find a similar response in this post => https://hub.alfresco.com/t5/alfresco-content-services-forum/edit-online-with-ms-office/td-p/208610
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