08-07-2023 04:44 AM
We have created 2 extensions for ADW. I would like to restrict these extensions to some functionnal groups.
We have added a rule for this:
"features": { "navbar": [ { "id": "my.ext.nav", "rules": { "visible": "app.isAffiche" }, "items": [ { "id": "my.ext.main", "icon": "extension", "title": "My extension", "route": "my.ext.route" } ] } ] }
And an Evaluator :
import * as rule from './my-ext.service'; extensions.setEvaluators({ 'app.isAffiche': rule.isAffiche });
We add rule.isAffiche in the service, it works when we make it send true or false:
But, then I changed to check the user groups:
export const isAffiche = (): boolean => { groupService: GroupService; let groupService; const groupsEntries: GroupEntry[] = await groupService.listAllGroupMembershipsForPerson('-me-', {maxItems: 250}); let groupIdList = groupsEntries.map((obj) => obj.entry.id); groupIdList.forEach(group => { if (group.includes("My-authorized-group")) { return true; } return false; }); };
But then it doesn’t work anymore. Maybe it is because there is an async call?
Thank you for your help.
08-10-2023 09:53 AM
Yes, the rule engine is synchronous. At this point all evaluators should be sync too.
08-24-2023 05:26 AM
Ok, so how can we achieve that correctly? Any hint?
Thank you.
08-24-2023 10:10 AM
You should already have groups as part o the user loading process: https://github.com/Alfresco/alfresco-content-app/blob/6422c32df3a1c34d0cd35624c5658e25f8942acb/proje...
That means your custom evaluators can check the "context.profile.groups" array
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