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How to include third party jar with docker image?

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise


I am running a community edition All-In-One (AIO) project for SDK 4.0 (alfresco.platform.version: 6.2.0-ea).
I have a webscript that calls for a new dependency to deserialize LocalDateTime - jackson-datatype-jsr310.
I have added it to the platform project pom.xml initially:


This worked locally on my machine where the JAR is downloaded to the .m2 folder. However, when I later build the project Docker image in teamcity and run it in another environment, I get a ClassNotFoundException: com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jsr310.JavaTimeModule in the webscript class that uses the jar. This leads to the conclusion that the JAR is not included in the docker image.

I get the sense that I need to create an AMP for this to happen and have tried to follow along with official tutorials, but attempts have been futile and for some reason Maven attempts to retrieve the jar from

Which steps do I need to take? Please explain precisely which modifications I must make which files for this particular jar. It's a bit confusing to me that there's multiple POM files involved.


World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

@jecbm wrote:


I am running a community edition All-In-One (AIO) project for SDK 4.0 (alfresco.platform.version: 6.2.0-ea).
I have a webscript that calls for a new dependency to deserialize LocalDateTime - jackson-datatype-jsr310.
I have added it to the platform project pom.xml initially:


This worked locally on my machine where the JAR is downloaded to the .m2 folder. However, when I later build the project Docker image in teamcity and run it in another environment, I get a ClassNotFoundException: com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jsr310.JavaTimeModule in the webscript class that uses the jar. This leads to the conclusion that the JAR is not included in the docker image.

I get the sense that I need to create an AMP for this to happen and have tried to follow along with official tutorials, but attempts have been futile and for some reason Maven attempts to retrieve the jar from

Which steps do I need to take? Please explain precisely which modifications I must make which files for this particular jar. It's a bit confusing to me that there's multiple POM files involved.

You can copy a jar file into $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/lib using docker exec tool. However, it is not the correct approach, as if you terminate the containers the changes will be lost. However here is the step to do it fyi:

docker exec -it <nameOrIdOfContainer> /bin/bash


docker exec -it alfresco_1 /bin/bash


docker exec -it 028 /bin/bash 

Where name of the container is: alfresco
and container id: 0282bf706a57
docker cp C:\jackson-datatype-jsr310-2.9.7.jar 0282bf706a57:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/lib

The right way is to use. DockerFile and docker-compose.yml to build custom image will all the changes and launch the custom image.

You can find the steps here on how to deploy third party jars/amps etc here:

Your DockerFile would look something like, highlighted the lines which will deploy jars and amps to repo:

FROM alfresco/alfresco-content-repository-community:6.2.1-A8

#Change to root
USER root

# Copy extensions jar module if there are any
COPY Dockerfile extensions/*.jar $TOMCAT_DIR/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/lib/

# Copy and apply amp extensions
COPY Dockerfile extensions/*.amp $TOMCAT_DIR/amps/
RUN java -jar $TOMCAT_DIR/alfresco-mmt/alfresco-mmt*.jar install \
		  $TOMCAT_DIR/amps $TOMCAT_DIR/webapps/alfresco -directory -nobackup -force

#Change back to alfresco
USER alfresco

Example of docker-compose.yml:

          dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
          context: ./build-config/alfresco
        mem_limit: 1500m
            JAVA_OPTS: "
                -Xms1500m -Xmx1500m

You third party jars will reside in this directory named: "extensions" (see the steps above)

You can follow same approach for share as well.

You can find an example here:

(ACSCE, AWS SAA, Azure Admin)

Thank you for the detailed answer. So you'd have to manually download the jar and place them it the /extension folder? I would have assumed Maven+AMP could do this for me?

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

yes if you are using sdk to build your custom amps you could add the dependency in the pom file and just deploy the amps. Add the dependency in <customModule>-platform-docker/pom.xml and build. Post build check if you see the jar under: "<customModule>-platform-docker\target\extensions" directory. if you see then that is first level of verification that jar is available in your custom image. If you still see the error, try looking for the jar under the alfresco container $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/WEB-INF/lib 

If you are trying to deploy the jar individually to the alfresco repo war then you would have to download and copy it. 

(ACSCE, AWS SAA, Azure Admin)
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