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How to display popup confirm dialog when click button "Reject"?

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Hi everyone,

I want to when I click on the "Reject" button to get a message asking the user to confirm that I want Reject?

Please guide me.

Thank !



Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator

Is this something you are doing with Activiti?



I define own outcome-contraint for in workflow-model same as (File: test-model.xml):

                    <constraint name="my:myOutcomeOptions" type="LIST">
                        <parameter name="allowedValues">

And custom sequence-flows to workflow definition (File: test.bpmn20.xml):

<exclusiveGateway id="exclusiveGateway1"</exclusiveGateway>
<sequenceFlow id="flow3" name="Rejected" sourceRef="exclusiveGateway1" targetRef="Rejected">
    <conditionExpression xsi:type="tFormalExpression"> <![CDATA[${test_a1approvecount < test_a2approvecount}]]> </conditionExpression>

I want to when I click button "Reject" showing popup confirm and after click button in popup confirm (OK and Cancel) display change to dashboard. Please help me!

Thank you advance!

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Ok, let's start from the beginning. What you describe in workflow model in 

<constraint name="my:myOutcomeOptions" type="LIST">

are so called "transitions". Usually they are rendered by template and JavaScript


 The teplate which is used for transition elements rendering is controlled by share-config-custom.xml in a following way:

field id="my:myOutcomeOptions" label-id="workflow.field.outcome" set="response">
<control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/workflow/activiti-transitions.ftl" />

I suppose the place to create your custom pop-up is in here "/components/form/workflow/activiti-transitions.js"

There is a function called "onClick". If I would need to implement similar pop-up I'd do it in this function using 


Hope this helps!

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