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How to disable viewing a metadata that is properties of a document for custom Customer Role

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Hii All,

I want to disable viewing of metadata that is properties of a document for custom customer role. I have removed ReadProperties but Now i cant see the file in my Repository though i have given permission to user with custom customer role.




Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

Alfresco's security model does not support restricting access that way. Since the name of a document is a property, as soon as you remove ReadProperties, the affected users can no longer see that document because even listing it with its name would require ReadProperties.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Hii @afaust ,

How could I remove visibility of metadata or Properties for Custom Customer role.



Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Like alex mentioned, you cannot remove read permissions from what i have read in the tutorials. I am a beginner so can't help much, but this is what i may try.

- keep the permissions as is

- find out the details view template and extend it to add permission checks before it loads all the properties in the view. Hide for not allowed user

- Disable edit properties in document browse and document details action group

- modify search result page to disable action based on permission which take user to view details page. 

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Hii @bip1989 ,

GreaT Explanation.

Could please tell me the template where i should look to change this thing and any example like how to apply permission with that template. I hope you would provide me with path and location for the Template and how to use permission with it.

