03-11-2019 09:14 AM
I have installed Alfresco Community Edition 201901 GA (via Docker) and are serving it over SSL using HAproxy reverse proxy. However, my page does not show as secure - the browser complains I have insecure content on my page. The culprit is "http://www.alfresco.com/assets/images/logos/community-5.2-share.png" which is being loaded, but I do not know by what.
How can I disable this? I would not mind the tracking, but the problem is that it`s preventing me from having the page shown as secure.
Setting heartbeat.enabled=false does not have any effect.
Can anyone help?
11-20-2019 12:43 AM
Hello jbrasil... sure...
Here you are...
First backup the original file... and tell me if it works for you.
03-12-2019 04:17 AM
Again, I do not need it to be necessarily disabled - just to make it request https. If that is not possible, then yes, it would be OK to disable it to make sure all of the content served by the reverse proxy is secured (and this is the only insecure link).
Any ideas?
03-12-2019 05:59 AM
I know about this old blog post on the topic Removing the Tracking Image from Alfresco
But I don't know if it still aplies for the version you are using.
If not, I think the only thing you need to know is to adapt it.
03-14-2019 01:58 AM
Thanks Douglas, but I have seen that blog post. However, it`s very old and it references another link (www.alfresco.com/assets/images/logos/community-4.0-share.png) instead of what I am seeing. Also, on the GitHub page of the Tracking Removal project, it is mentioned that it has only been tested with these versions: Alfresco 4.2b/4.2c as well as 5.0/5.1 community. Remember that this was also before Docker.
Is there really no file that I can modify to at least get the tracking image to be requested via HTTPS and not HTTP?
03-14-2019 05:16 AM
Well, you came to the conclusion I mentioned... you will have to use that blog post as an idea, and adapt it to the new version. I really believe you just have to follow the described steps, of course, using the source code for your current version, and check what has been changed.
And about using Docker or not, you will have to create an extension project anyway, using JAR or AMP as the result, and then create your custom image containing the JAR/AMP applied into it.
I wish I had the time to try it out for you, but right now, I have too much on my lap already.
I hope someone else can help you with this.
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