04-27-2018 01:27 PM
I'm looking to disable all outbound mail from Alfresco.
Currently, I can disable the activities feed and site invites using the following lines in the alfresco-global.properties:
notification.email.siteinvite: false
activities.feed.notifier.enabled: false
Is there a corresponding property for the Subscription service?
The docs here (Enabling the Subscription Service | Alfresco Documentation ) only point to the admin console, but I don't even see the option there.
04-27-2018 01:52 PM
04-27-2018 01:52 PM
04-27-2018 04:23 PM
Well that was easy! Thanks.
I just realized that the community docs don't even seem to address the subscription service (Outbound SMTP configuration properties | Alfresco Documentation )
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