07-16-2019 05:33 AM
I just got my Alfresco and I want to change url.
Today, if I want to go on Share in Alfresco I need this address : localhost:8080/share
But I want to use this : Alfresco/
I think I don't just need to rename alfresco.war
Thk a lot
07-16-2019 12:02 PM
alfresco.war gets the context path of 'alfresco' and share.war gets the context path of 'share'. These are two different applications and can be deployed independent of each other. You can not run two applications with same context path.
I you want to login to alfresco use: http://localhost:8080/alfresco
I you want to login to share use: http://localhost:8080/share
07-17-2019 02:32 AM
Yes I understand but can I just change Share path to just have to write /Share in URL ?
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