11-24-2020 04:02 AM
Hi All,
i have uploaded a file from a process and it get stored in the activiti server and the respective entries are in the related_content,content_rendition tables.
i have all details including store id, content_id for that file. i am in need of undrestanding the path location of the file in the server.
How can i find out the path location of the file based on the store_id, content id of the file.
or is there any other way to find the path location of the file.
Kindly help on suggesting your thoughts as early as possible.
Arun K
11-24-2020 10:35 AM
Hi All,
In my cases, the old requests are continuely keep on failing while generating the document.
While checking the activiti framework code, the below if condition is getting true and get evaluated and throw the exception content with id was not found .
i was able to see the file in the specified location. but, somehow the framework is not able to read the file and throw the exception (Content with id: " + id + " was not found (path: " + file
.toString() + ")").
the file are stored under tomcat/bin/data directory
the rootfolder is set as data/ in the activiti-app.properties file
could you please help on why its still failing.
The below code is from FileSystemContentStorage.java(activiti framework code)
shouldExist is defined as true
file.exists() should come as true(looks like it coming as false), not sure why its coming as false even though i can able locate the file in the specified directory
protected File getFileForId(String id, boolean shouldExist) {
BigInteger idValue = null;
try {
idValue = new BigInteger(id);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
throw new ContentStorageException("Illegal ID value, only positive numbers are supported: " + id, nfe);
File path = this.converter.getPathForId(idValue);
File file = new File(this.rootFolder, path.getPath());
if (shouldExist != file.exists()) {
if (shouldExist)
throw new ContentNotFoundException("Content with id: " + id + " was not found (path: " + file
.toString() + ")");
throw new ContentNotFoundException("Content with id: " + id + " already exists.");
return file;
Arun K
11-27-2020 08:32 AM
by default, APS stores all documents under the act_data folder with date format hierarchy e.g. YYYY/DD/MM/.. the file name is renamed with the content-id.bin, search in the act_folder with his name to locate your content
12-01-2020 01:41 AM
Thanks for the reply.
i am not able to find the act_data folder in my project. However in my app.properties, it set with the following properties.
I think in my scenario, based on content id,alfresco activiti internally using some logic to generate the path location and store the file in that location.
Arun K
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