02-27-2019 04:05 AM
How do I return document preview content in search results ? which rest api helps me in returning document preview content along with actual content?
03-01-2019 02:07 AM
Friends, Request you to please help.
03-01-2019 06:04 AM
What i understood from your que is that you want to preview the docuemnt in search restult right?
If yes
then search for the text which you are looking for you might find some PDF and doc file something like this
Click on the thumbnail you will get preview of the document.
Shyam Ghodasra
03-04-2019 11:29 PM
Once again the requirement is from the perspective that Alfesco will act as the service provider and it's ui will not be used. the client application needs to receive the preview content in the search results and they decide how to display.
03-06-2019 03:54 PM
This is the api you are loking for, Renditions API:
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