10-05-2017 06:51 PM
Hello I have created an Decision file (.DMN) with the new activiti-app designer (version 6.0.0), alongside a process. When I try to run the process I get an error saying decision table not found. I can't find any documentation that explains how do deploy this decision along with my process. If I bundle this decision in a zip file along with it's process, it does not deploy the process or the DMN. How do I deploy this either from the REST API or other?
I'm using community edition V 6.0.0
On a side note there is a bug in the Identitiy management application where you cannot add users to groups.
org.activiti.dmn.engine.ActivitiDmnObjectNotFoundException: no decisions deployed with key 'table2' for parent deployment id '22501'
02-23-2018 02:56 AM
The process should be bundled in App and then deployed. Create an App in the 'Apps' section and add the process to it and publish it.
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