04-18-2018 07:20 AM
When I using Activiti 6 demo to create process model. I set Outcomes in Forms editor of "apply" task. The values are "ok" and "reject". Then how can I set condition expression to let the next task(audit or end) follow the form outcome of "apply" task?
04-20-2018 03:08 AM
Click on the sequence flow, and in the sequence flow properties, click on flow condition. It opens up a pop up to select the type of condition. In your case, select simple type. Then you will see 3 more options. In your case, it depends on a form outcome. So select that. Next, select the form, condition and the outcome. Thats it.
04-24-2018 03:53 AM
Thanks for your response. But I can't find the page you show.
When I click flow condition marked in red, it only pops up the following window. Could you paste bpmn file as you set? I think at least I can set in the bpmn file directly.
04-24-2018 04:53 AM
My mistake. I didn't read your question properly. The screenshot I shared was of APS and not Activiti6.
Condition expression in APS was generated as below in my bpm.
<conditionExpression xsi:type="tFormalExpression"><![CDATA[${(activiti_flowConditionsBean.exists(execution, 'form3004outcome') && form3004outcome == 'notok')}]]></conditionExpression>
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