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Hi Alfresco community, As i am new to Alfresco, i wanted to know how the Recent activity mail notification works internally. Based on my analysis, the property value of cron expression and enabling the notifier is set in the activities-jobs-context.xml wi

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Hi Alfresco community, As i am new to Alfresco, i wanted to know how the Recent activity mail notification works internally. Based on my analysis, the property value of cron expression and enabling the notifier is set in the activities-jobs-context.xml with default placeholder value. i wanted to know how the JMX value is overriding the properties value in JobDataMap before execute the FeedNotifierJob class file? 


Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

Values set via JMX will be persisted in the database. When the activities subsystem starts up, the default configuration will be loaded from file, but then an Enterprise-specific components additionally loads the values from DB and thus applies changes made via JMX. Once all properties are loaded from file and database, they are exposes to Spring for resolving placeholders.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Hi Axel,


Thanks for the clarification provided!! Please help us on the below - 


We have an issue with receiving mails for the Recent Activties avoiding(disabling/unchecking) the Admin console -> JMX Setting. We tried the below - 
1. At first we enabled the activities.feed.notifier in the and tried to initiate the recent activities job by setting the cron expression activities.feed.notifier.cronExpression=0 0 0 * * ? .
File -> tomcat/shared/classes/ 
Change -> activities.feed.notifier = true
activities.feed.notifier.cronExpression=0 0 0 * * ?

2. We again tried adding the below to the previous two entries- 
Disable orphan cleanup and download 

3. Later we found that, the will be overridden by the higher hierarchy of location <extensionRoot>/alfresco/extension/subsystems/<category>/<typeName>/*.properties. So introduced a new file in alfresco/extension/subsystems/ActivitiesFeed/default location. but still the recent activities mail is not received.

We found that the value set through the JMX setting in admin console only has the highest priority. Please clarify if we are missing any other setting in file which will override the JMX setting. We are looking for a solution of configuring the Recent Activties avoiding JMX setting in admin console.