03-08-2017 02:39 AM
Hello! I'm just starting to learn alfresco..so, i have some questions for you:
1. Where can i create my own workflow?
2.And how can i deploy them to alfresco?
I need a leterature or some video lessons..
03-08-2017 11:06 AM
03-08-2017 11:24 PM
Thank you! But I mean creating and deploying workflow in Activiti to share it in alfresco
I need a leterature or some video lessons..
03-09-2017 11:23 AM
What do you mean share it in ALfresco? As a document?
03-13-2017 03:22 PM
If you feel like reading a book, I humbly offer this one: Alfresco One 5.x Developer's Guide - Second Edition | PACKT Books
Or if you prefer free tutorials (upon which much of the book was based) you can find them here: About the Alfresco Developer Tutorial Series | ECM Architect
One of the tutorials covers Activiti specifically.
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