03-07-2019 06:04 AM
I was analyzing how Activiti 7 Cloud supports and manages the multi-tenancy with multi-schema with physical separation of data.
While reading the documentation, I landed to this Java class source code:
where it's stated:
multi-tenant code will be removed in future version of Activiti and Activiti Cloud
and the entire class is marked as @deprecated.
What does exactly mean that the multi-tenant code will be removed? Is this class deprecated because a better alternative solution is going to be imlemented or Activiti Cloud won't support multi-tenancy in the future anymore?
Thanks in advance for any replies.
12-01-2022 11:39 PM
Any update on this thread please? What is teh future roadmap of MSMT in Activiti?
Here is the class which says MSMT will be deprecated : https://github.com/Activiti/Activiti/blob/a40648d6c209d5eb9aeb24d0acbc72154cdfbe13/activiti-core/act...
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