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From Community to Hub: Where is everything?

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator

Welcome to the new Alfresco Hub! We hope you're settling in to the new site.

We thought it might be helpful to provide a short overview of how the Hub is set up and a few details about the migration. We have 3 main forum areas:

Alfresco Content Services - This area is for all Q&A related to ACS, both enterprise and community edition. The side navigation links to the blog posts and documents that were created in the Jive community. There is also a link to Add-ons


Alfresco Process Services - This area is for all Q&A related to APS and Activiti. All of the blogs and documents from Jive are available here.

Application Development Framework - This area is for all Q&A related to ADF. The documents and blogs from Jive have been migrated over.

and 2 additional areas:

Community Happenings - This is a combination of the former area for our events, such as hackathons and meetups, and any announcements, like job opportunities from both the community and company.

About the Forum - If you have questions about how to navigate the Hub or have any issues with points, account details, etc., post in this area for help from the community manager. 

Our language groups were also migrated from Community to Hub. Three are still active - French, Spanish, and Portuguese - while German and Italian have been moved into the archives, in a read-only mode. 


We did a bit of clean up during this migration. With over 10 years of forum posts, blog posts, wiki articles, and collaborative documents, we have many posts consisting of outdated information. 

We moved some historical content into an archive. We know not everyone is on the latest version of the products, so we've kept all the content, but moved much of it into a read-only archive section. These areas are accessible from the navigation menus on each area's main landing page. You must be a registered member to access these areas.


We did not bring over any questions that did not have a reply. Ideally, everything in the forum would be answered, but some topics do go unanswered. It's not a good expereince for anyone to find a topic that doesn't have some advice, so we did not move them over. If you posted a question that was never answered and you still need help, please repost it. 

We did not bring over some user accounts. We have hundreds of people join the site each month, but many of them never participate or login again. Many of these accounts are obviously spam; others we aren't so sure about. Additionally, new privacy standards (GDPR) have come out since our last migration. In order to reduce the amount of inactive accounts in this new site and comply with new regulations, we did not migrate all accounts. These are the two groups we migrated:

1 - Anyone who joined in 2019

2 - Anyone who joined before 2019 AND has content associated with their account (IE anyone who has posted)

If your account was not moved over, please join again. 

We hope you really enjoy using this new site. Let us know if you have any questions by posting in the About the Forum section or filling out this survey