07-25-2018 08:12 AM
Hello. I am creating an ACS ADF App and I want to use a Server which is not on my localhost. I have configured the "app.config.json" file and the "proxy.conf.json" file as described here:'https://community.alfresco.com/community/application-development-framework/blog/2017/06/20/adf-cors-...'. But I still get the Error Messages which you can see in the addings. Do you have any Idea what is wrong in my configurations?
07-30-2018 05:21 AM
If you just create the build and after you move it in tomcat at this point the proxy configuration is not important anymore because you don't use anymore webpack dev server but you can take a look at how to disable CORS in Apache :
If correctly disabled CORS you should not have any error about CORS, anyway, this is not a suggested configuration for security issues but it could be a good point to understand where are your problems.
This is for sure not an ADF issue but is more an APACHE configuration issues so I suggest you read more about this topic and concentrate your time in solving CORS problems in APACHE Tomcat.
I didn't understand if you never try to run your app on your local machine before. Anyway if you would try and you created your app with the app generator I suggest you use :
npm run start
This is because this command contains inside the configuration for use the webpack proxy :
ng serve --host --disable-host-check --app dev --proxy-config ./demo-shell/proxy.conf.js
but again this proxy configuration is only needed in the local development and is not affecting in any way your deployed app in apache.
07-25-2018 10:37 AM
Hi ,
Did you give a look here ?
07-26-2018 02:23 AM
Yes, as mentioned in the question.
07-26-2018 08:20 AM
Ok, sorry. So is your Front end and backend on http://alfresco.mbasoft.atthe same domain?
07-26-2018 09:22 AM
No my Frontend is on my localhost. My Backend is on http://alfresco.mbasoft.at:8080.
07-26-2018 06:20 PM
what do you have in the app.config.json?
07-27-2018 08:39 AM
Now I have both, the ADF-APP and the Alfresco-Instance, on the same server. However I still get the CORS-Error.
07-27-2018 03:22 PM
Are they on the same port? If port numbers are different the request is considered cross-domain.
A configuration that should work for sure from your localhost if correctly configured should be like that
module.exports = {
"/alfresco": {
"target": "http://yourContentService.com",
"secure": false,
"pathRewrite": {
"^/alfresco/alfresco": ""
"changeOrigin": true,
// workaround for REPO-2260
onProxyRes: function (proxyRes, req, res) {
const header = proxyRes.headers['www-authenticate'];
if (header && header.startsWith('Basic')) {
proxyRes.headers['www-authenticate'] = 'x' + header;
"/activiti-app": {
"target": "http://yourprocessService.com",
"secure": false,
"pathRewrite": {
"^/activiti-app/activiti-app": ""
"changeOrigin": true
the app.config.json has you posted should be fine.
The last doubt that I have is how you start your project. Which command do you use?
npm run start? If you use npm run start what is npm run start in your package.json?
07-28-2018 11:36 AM
Yes they are on the same port. Both are running on port 8080. I haven't used any start command, I have built it with "ng build --base-href /myUrl/" and added the dist folder to the webapp folder of my tomcat.
07-30-2018 05:21 AM
If you just create the build and after you move it in tomcat at this point the proxy configuration is not important anymore because you don't use anymore webpack dev server but you can take a look at how to disable CORS in Apache :
If correctly disabled CORS you should not have any error about CORS, anyway, this is not a suggested configuration for security issues but it could be a good point to understand where are your problems.
This is for sure not an ADF issue but is more an APACHE configuration issues so I suggest you read more about this topic and concentrate your time in solving CORS problems in APACHE Tomcat.
I didn't understand if you never try to run your app on your local machine before. Anyway if you would try and you created your app with the app generator I suggest you use :
npm run start
This is because this command contains inside the configuration for use the webpack proxy :
ng serve --host --disable-host-check --app dev --proxy-config ./demo-shell/proxy.conf.js
but again this proxy configuration is only needed in the local development and is not affecting in any way your deployed app in apache.
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