01-13-2021 02:37 AM
We are currently evaluating Alfresco and created a model with custom document type and properties.
Is it somehow possible to edit the properties of a document while viewing the preview of the document side by side?
01-13-2021 04:18 AM
Hi @Wolfg & welcome to Alfresco!
There is an extension that does something similar I believe. I think another suggestion could be this code approach. Another non-code option might be to open the document in a second browser window & do your side-by-side thing that way?
01-13-2021 04:18 AM
Hi @Wolfg & welcome to Alfresco!
There is an extension that does something similar I believe. I think another suggestion could be this code approach. Another non-code option might be to open the document in a second browser window & do your side-by-side thing that way?
01-13-2021 04:30 AM
Thank's for the info. Working with two browser windows is somewhat cumbersome and not practical for everyday usage. But i will take a look at the two other proposed solutions.
09-09-2023 07:11 AM
For me worked fine this variant.
just go to the file :
and change it's content like this (look to MY CHANGES START/END comments)
<#include "../../include/alfresco-macros.lib.ftl" /> <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[ new Alfresco.component.ShareFormManager("${args.htmlid}").setOptions( { failureMessage: "edit-metadata-mgr.update.failed", defaultUrl: "${siteURL((nodeType!"document") + "-details?nodeRef=" + (nodeRef!page.url.args.nodeRef)?js_string)}" }).setMessages(${messages}); //]]></script> <!--MY CHANGES --START --> <style> #document-preview { position: fixed; top: 180px; right: 0; height:78%; width: 50%; box-sizing: border-box; overflow: hidden; } #resize-handle { position: fixed; top: 170px; right: 50%; width: 5px; background-color: grey; height: 78%; cursor: col-resize; } </style> <!--MY CHANGES --END --> <div class="form-manager"> <h1>${msg("edit-metadata-mgr.heading", fileName?html)}</h1> </div> <!--MY CHANGES --START --> <div id="container"> <div id="document-preview"> <#if page.url.args.nodeRef??> <#assign documentNodeRef = page.url.args.nodeRef?html> <#assign documentPreviewURL = "" + documentNodeRef?replace(":", "") + "?noRedirect=true"> <iframe src="${documentPreviewURL}" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe> </#if> <div id="resize-handle"></div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[ var resizeHandle = document.getElementById("resize-handle"); var documentPreview = document.getElementById("document-preview"); var resizingActive=false function startResizing(e) { if(resizingActive===false){ resizingActive=true event.stopPropagation() document.addEventListener("mousemove", resize); document.addEventListener("click", stopResizing); } } function resize(e) { var newWidth = window.innerWidth - e.clientX; documentPreview.style.width = newWidth-15 + "px"; resizeHandle.style.right = (newWidth - 20) + "px"; // Сдвиг разделителя } function stopResizing() { if(resizingActive===true){ resizingActive=false event.stopPropagation() document.removeEventListener("mousemove", resize); document.addEventListener("click", stopResizing); } } resizeHandle.addEventListener("click", startResizing); //]]></script> <!--MY CHANGES --END -->
also note that we use the server address in one of the added strings. Need to change this if the server is remote or somehow insert this value from global variables (didn't look up how to do that)
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