08-02-2020 03:55 PM
II log into Alfresco/Share UI as Admin (with all the admin privileges).
I go to a given document library.
I click on "download as zip".
It does NOT download all the files in the zip.
It has nothing to do with the permission to download (as the logged-in user has the highers privilege and access to all the folders).
It has nothing to do with any time-out of connection, or data to be zipped, as the process takes only takes 2-3 seconds, and the size of the files under the document library is small.
However, on a consistent basis, a few of the files under the document library do not become a part of the zip folder downloaded. On every attempt to download the files from a given document library, a specific set of files are not downloaded inside the zip file.
For example, a document library has a total of 6 files under sub-directories. With every attempt to download, only 4 files make it.
I also tried it from a different document library, but from the same site with all the files with the correct access rights. Out of 230 files in the sub-folders of the document library, 71 were made a part of the zip file.
Again, there is no issue with access rights and connection time-out. The files indeed get downloaded (small number such as 4 out of 6, or a higher number such as 71 out of 230, but it seems that the download as the zip is not traversing through all the sub-folders in the document library.
Is there another way to download all the files from Alfresco/Share UI from a given document library?
08-11-2020 12:31 PM
Why not just use Java, Groovy, or Python and come at it remotely via CMIS?
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