06-30-2017 10:26 AM
Is there a way i can simply display a list of over 500 users?
Is there a simple way to export the user list?
06-30-2017 04:01 PM
This is the simplest way i can think of
curl -u admin:admin "http://localhost:8080/alfresco/s/api/people?maxResults=500" > people.json
06-30-2017 04:01 PM
This is the simplest way i can think of
curl -u admin:admin "http://localhost:8080/alfresco/s/api/people?maxResults=500" > people.json
07-01-2017 05:21 AM
This is more or less the same that Mikel Asla, via alfListUsers.sh command in alfresco shell tools:
alfresco-shell-tools/alfListUsers.sh at master · ecm4u/alfresco-shell-tools · GitHub
By the way, if you have Javascript Console addon installed you may run JS API people related. This example is inside the link below.
getPeople | Alfresco Documentation
07-12-2017 11:20 AM
Brilliant, really helpful.
Now do you know if there is a way to display the same information but organised by groups?
Thank you
07-12-2017 11:35 AM
Check this link (in spanish), with the help of Alfresco shell tools again. In the middle of the post there is a shell script based in alfresco shell commands called AlfrescoAllGroups.sh
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