01-12-2017 05:03 AM
I try to define a rule to a folder that delete all activeWorkflows attached to a document when the document it's self is deleted or deplaced. I use this script in the rule:
for(var i=0;i<document.activeWorkflows.length ;i++){
When i deplaced the document all attached woekflows are cancelled but when i try to delete this document an error occure:
Could not delete 'file_name'.
help plz.
01-13-2017 02:47 AM
You need to provide more details about the error, e.g. any log output from alfresco.log - otherwise we will not be able to help you (errors can't be explained by looking into a magic 8-ball).
01-13-2017 04:08 AM
thanks for your response
I delete all old messages in the log files (alfresco.log and share.log), i try to delete a document this msg is shown
Could not delete 'file_name'
but i have no indication in the log files (they still empty 😕 )
01-13-2017 04:17 AM
Then please look closely into the HTTP packet for any additional details (use developer tools of your browser to monitor network packets for the web page).
01-13-2017 04:19 AM
I have this error:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
01-13-2017 05:38 AM
That just means that an error occurred. Any detail should be inside the HTTP packet as content - typically this is a JSON structure that contains a message and a callstack.
01-13-2017 06:05 AM
01-13-2017 11:06 AM
There you have your issue - some code seems to be misbehaving. Do you have any customisations / addons installed?
01-13-2017 11:27 AM
yes. I have install an AMP
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