03-29-2021 06:06 AM
I installed ACS 7.0 community successfully. I also integrated AOS 1.4. Editing in Word 2016 works but I have problems with comparing version or accessing version history at all. So I decided to debug the AOS module.
In the tomcat log I get
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (aoservices-trc.AbstractVermeerService).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info.
Obviously the aos tries to write to the logs, but doesn't find a configuration. In the custom-log4j.properties (/shared/classes/alfresco/extension) there aren't any entries for that module.
So how can I enable logging for aos?
best regards
03-30-2021 04:49 PM
The VermeerService is actually not part of the Repository (alfresco.war) application, that's the reason it is not covered by the custom-log4j.properties (even without an entry there, it would go to the root logger by default and not show that error message). It is part of the _vti_bin.war application, for which there is - as far as I know - no configuration support via the normal extension classpath. You'd likely have to put a log4j.properties inside the WEB-INF/classes directory of that application to configure it.
03-30-2021 04:49 PM
The VermeerService is actually not part of the Repository (alfresco.war) application, that's the reason it is not covered by the custom-log4j.properties (even without an entry there, it would go to the root logger by default and not show that error message). It is part of the _vti_bin.war application, for which there is - as far as I know - no configuration support via the normal extension classpath. You'd likely have to put a log4j.properties inside the WEB-INF/classes directory of that application to configure it.
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