12-05-2017 06:21 AM
I'm using a custom field date. When I upload the document and metadata using CMIS I put the date in UTC putting HH:MMS as 00:00:00. When I try to find the document I couldn't find it because it was stored as Local Time (as 01:00:00).
What's wrong?
12-07-2017 05:32 AM
Can you please add all the detail for locales used (repo, client etc) , exact data values entered, value from the node browser and the query used etc....
01-02-2018 09:56 AM
Hi Andi
it was an error: during upload I don't fix correctly the date in UTC (as I was looking for).
Correcting the upload procedure to set the right field I'm able to find the record correctly.
Thank you!
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