02-23-2017 06:40 AM
I'm pretty new to Share development so please bear with me.
What I'd like to do is the following :
1) Change the behaviour of the Aikau PdfJs viewer, so that it is maximized by default.
2) Show the PDF outline/thumbnail sidebar by default.
So, far I'm failing to make much progress on 1) - i've got the following config, and I suspect the <targetPackageRoot> is incorrect, but i've tried 'preview' and 'document-details' packages. The preview one seems the most logical.
What else do I need ? Is the below sufficient to push an updated config to the widget ?
What about the ID's ?
I couldnt figure out what the ID should be for AlfDocumentPreview, so I tried finding by name. At the moment, I dont think the .js is even being run, so its a non-starter.
Can you push a config to the widget without an ID ?
On the off-chance that i'm on the right track, is using 'widgetsForPluginsOverrides' the correct mechanism to use?
Finally, can I use the same mechanism to perform requirement 2) - It doesnt look like there is a flag for the sidebar, although the vanilla mozilla pdfjs appears to have a "sidebarViewOnLoad"... I can see there is a onSideBarToggle() method, but how can I cause this to fire ?
For what its worth, I have been through the excellent Aikau tutorials by Dave Draper, but I cant help feeling i'm missing something fundamental when it comes to lightly modifying a widget through a surf extension module.
Thanks for any help / pointers.
<id>Custom Document Preview Widget</id>
<description>Instantiate a Document Preview Widget</description>
var docPreview = widgetUtils.findObject(model.jsonModel, "name",
this.alfLog("log", "In override viewer Widget", config);
if (docPreview != null) {
this.alfLog("log", "Found Preview Widget ", config);
name : "alfresco/preview/AlfDocumentPreview",
config : {
heightMode : 600,
widgetsForPluginsOverrides : [ {
id : "PdfJs",
name: "alfresco/preview/PdfJs/PdfJs",
replace: true,
config: {
maximized : "true" }
} ]
02-23-2017 09:42 AM
The Aikau PDF.js previewer is currently only used within the Faceted Search page for the preview popup when you click on the thumbnail of a document in the search result. The preview in the document-details page is a non-Aikau PDF.js instance. The package you are targeting (org.alfresco.modules.preview) does not contain a web script that is using Aikau / model.jsonModel at all, so there is nothing to customise. Also, your JavaScript file is called myco-previewer.get.js so the Surf customisation will only work for an Alfresco file /alfresco/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/modules/preview/myco-previewer.get.js - such a file does not exist.
Lastly, the document-details page is currently not based on the Aikau-based details page, which is only an experimental / work-in-progress page. This is a result of Alfresco not prioritising the migration of old YUI-based pages over to Aikau in the last years. So to customise the document previewer you would need to customise the legacy YUI PDF.js previewer component.
02-23-2017 10:21 AM
Thanks Axel, most informative.
Oh dear - well, at least I know my confusion was justified - I was directed to JSDoc: Module: alfresco/preview/PdfJs/PdfJs by Alfresco Support.
I wasn't sure about the naming of my customised .get.js - in fact i've just tried renaming it to pdfjs.get.js, and I can see it gets loaded now, which is a start.
I'll go back to support with this information and ask them to advise on your response.
03-01-2017 05:29 AM
I’ve had some success. I’m sure there is a ‘nicer’ way of doing this, although I suspect the benefit is marginal given where I had to perform the change.
I modified the non-Aikau PdfJs.js directly : Initially I tried changing the value of the “maximized” to ‘true’ in the configuration attributes – this had no effect. I did, however have some success by calling the this.onMaximizeClick() at the end of _loadPdf.
I placed the file in in an amp at :
This had the effect of overwriting the OOTB file.
Unfortunately attempting to call onSideBarToggle() in the same place didn’t work, but I suspect this is because it’s happing too early during the rendering of the JS. If there was a way to fire the OOTB javascript methods after the viewer has been loaded, that would remove the need to replace the standard product.
So, I’m nearly there!
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