09-24-2020 10:35 PM
I am trying to add a third party tinymce plugin to the blog and discussion editor, unfortunately it seems, that the plugin is not loaded.
What i have done so far (trying to include the plugin in the discussions-createtopic page):
- added the tinymce plugin to the plugins directory
- added the plugin in config.plugins list (config.plugins = ["myplugin advlist autolink link image lists charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak emoticons autosave"]) in tiny_mce-min.js
- additionally added the plugin in createtopic-min.js:
this.widgets.editor = Alfresco.util.RichEditor(Alfresco.constants.HTML_EDITOR,this.id + '-content',
height: 300,
extended_valid_elements : "style[type]",
valid_children : "+body[style]",
paste_data_images: true,
siteId: this.options.siteId,
language: this.options.locale,
myplugin: [plugin config goes here]
Can anynone give me a hint, were to hook in, in order to geht the plugin loaded and to customize the editor.
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