10-05-2017 08:03 AM
I would like to propose a change in org.activiti.engine.impl.form.StringFormType.convertModelValueToFormValue method, as in the attached file.
The goal is to avoid a class cast exception that is thrown when a developer makes a mistake (regarding object type) and now cannot even cancel tasks and/or the process because of the CCE.
10-10-2017 07:58 PM
Hi, thank you for your proposal. Forum is probably not the right place to make change proposals. You could raise an issue in the project on GitHub and even make a PR to get it reviewed by the Activiti developers/contributors.
10-10-2017 07:58 PM
Hi, thank you for your proposal. Forum is probably not the right place to make change proposals. You could raise an issue in the project on GitHub and even make a PR to get it reviewed by the Activiti developers/contributors.
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